Meaning of Vinícius

Let's talk about the meaning of Vinícius and also the origin of the name. You can also participate, writing on this page what you think of Vinícius and his origin. We also encourage the use of the comment bar so that you can extend the content and make your...

Meaning of Vanessa

This page proposes to describe the meaning of Vanessa and also her origin. As you will see in this article, the name Vanessa has a meaning related to butterflies. This page about Vanessa's meaning is also made up of historical reference, containing names of characters...

Meaning of Vera

This page describes the meaning of Vera as well as the origin of the name. As you will see, the meaning of the name Vera is related to truth and sincerity. It is composed of historical references and about its origin. At the end of the page, you can share your opinion...