This page proposes to describe the meaning of Leticia, as well as the origin of the name.
In this article, you will also find historical references involving the name Leticia, further enhancing its meaning.
At the end of the page with the meaning of Letícia, you have the option to participate, writing on this page what you think of the meaning and its origin. You can also detail Leticia’s personality that you know.
See also: List of Greek Goddess names.
Meaning of Letícia
The meaning of Letícia is “full joy”, “joyful woman” or even “woman who transmits joy and happiness”. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Laetitia, which means “Joy” or “Pleasure”.
Leticia is a predominantly female name.
There are some variants of the name Letícia, which is a popular name in Brazil. Variations such as Letizia and Leticia (without the use of the graphic accent).
See also: Our complete list of Female Names.
Historical reference with the name Leticia
Now, let’s see the main references and curiosities with the name Letícia.
- Leticia was a wheat harvest deity in Roman mythology.
- Letícia Ortiz Rocasolano is the Queen Consort of Spain, wife of King Philip VI. Before her marriage, Letícia was a journalist and TV news presenter.
- Maria Letizia Ramolino (better known as Leticia Bonaparte) is the name of the mother of the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte.
- Laetitia (or 39 Leticia) is the name of a main-belt asteroid that was discovered in Paris in 1856. This name was a tribute to a character from Roman mythology called Leticia.